Skin on your face is the most delicate skin. Many dermatologists and cosmetologists suggest that some products can damage your face skin, because they can cause a bad reaction that will dry it out, favor the appearance of acne, and other skin problems. Below, is the list  of 6 products that you should never use on your skin if you want it to look great.

1. Shampoo: Shampoos cannot deal with the delicate molecules that constitute your facial skin. If you use a shampoo to wash your face, it will end up looking flaky and dry.

2. Hair color: Hair color has an overload of chemicals that could be really harsh on your skin. For all of you who like to color your eyebrows to match your hair color, it is best you use vegetable dyes or tinted brow mascara instead of box dyes.

3. Hair serums: Hair serums have ingredients that are meant to treat the hair shaft, and will not treat skin woes or fine lines. Also, these hair serums are heavily fragrant and can irritate your skin.

4. Hair spray : Rumor has it that hair spray will also help in keeping your makeup in place, just like it sets your hair. But you should never spritz hairspray on your face. It contains alcohol and lacquers that will dehydrate your skin and make it look much older than it actually is. 

5. Body lotions: Your face needs a mild, gentle cream, owing to its delicate nature. Besides, body lotions work to fill in moisture and not to address facial skin problems like anti-aging, etc., quite unlike most face creams. 

6. Foot cream: These creams are extremely thick, sticky, and very rich. They are made so that they can break down and exfoliate the tough dead skin on your feet. These things will only harm your facial skin.

Use firm and healthy things for your face because their is nothing more beautiful than your face.

Stay healthy. Stay gorgeous. Stay beautiful.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

Source:style craze